Photos from the ECM29 are finally sorted! You can check them out at this link.
You don’t need Dropbox account to see and/or to download photos you like (if you get asked to register, just close the notification and you will see the folders with the photos). We hope that you will find some nice photos to keep the memory of the ECM29.
ECM29 opening
Dear participants of the ECM29, dear colleagues, friends and partners,
It is one of the most pleasurable duties of the ECM29 Organizing Committee to announce, after four years of preparations, the Opening Ceremony of the 29th European Crystallographic Meeting for Sunday, Aug. 23rd, 2015, at 18:45 PM in the Hall 5 of the Adris Exhibition and Convention Center in Rovinj, Obala Vladimira Nazora 1. Attached please find the protocol of the ceremony.
The Opening ceremony will be live web streamed thanks to the generosity of our sponsors: Dectris, IUCr Journals, Bruker, Oxford Cryosystems, Wiley, FITZ Karlsruhe, Codata and CCDC. You can follow the stream at: .
Due to the technical demands of live stream as well as the demands of the state protocol, an early arrival of all of you will be highly appreciated. The gates of the AECC will be open at 18:00 for the delegates coming to the opening ceremony.
We are very much looking forward to seeing you all.
On behalf of the ECM29 organizing committee,
Aleksandar Višnjevac
Arrival Transfer Announcement
We are no longer accepting new requests for arrival transfers.
Contact us at for more information about departure transfers (up to 2 days before the transfer).
The Programme book and the Book of abstracts available
Transfer Prices Announced
Transfer prices, as well as Terms & Conditions have been announced and can be viewed at the following page: TRANSFERS.
Contact us at for more information.
Register for the Satellites@ECM29
Make the most out of your ECM29 experience. Register for one of the 11 excellent satellite meetings. It is extremely simple. Just send an email to

In and around Rovinj, before and after the ECM29 as a central crystallographic event in Europe in 2015, there will be 11 high quality satellite meetings. If you have not registered for the ECM29 yet, please go to the Registration page , do it online, and don’t forget to choose your satellite meetings during the registration procedure. If you already are registered for the ECM29, to register additionally to one or more satellite meeting(s) please just send an email to and our helpdesk will contact you shortly with the instructions on how to proceed. For more details on each of the satellite meetings please choose one from the dropdown meny below this tag (Satellite meetings) or click to the entry in the list below:
- Advanced Software Development for Crystallographers
- Metadata for raw data from X-ray diffraction and other structural techniques
- Making the most of PDB and EMDB data
- OLEX2 Satellite Meeting
- CCDC workshop
- DIALS workshop
- Automating and Simplifying Reduction of 2D powder diffraction data with DAWN
- Fundamentals of Materials Analysis Using Powder Diffraction
- Young crystallographers’ satellite meeting
- Electron Crystallography School – ECS2015
- EosFit Workshop
Late abstract submission regime
The late abstract submission regime (LASR) applies to all abstracts submitted from Apr. 8th, 2015 at 0:00 h (Rovinj time) to Aug. 7th, 2015 at 23:59 (Rovinj time). The abstracts submitted within the LASR will only be accepted if the presenting author has beforehand registered for the conference and along the regular registration fee paid the additional fee for the late abstract submission (LASF = EUR 20,00). The abstracts submitted within the late abstract submission regime will not be considered for the oral presentations.
The organizing committee will do its best to include all abstracts submitted within the LASR to the Programme book and Book of abstracts, but this cannot be guaranteed for the abstracts submitted after May 23rd, 2015. These abstracts (submitted after May 23rd, 2015) might only appear as inserted sheets of paper in the Book of abstracts.
Registration and abstract submission open
Precisely nine months ahead the ECM29, on Sunday, Nov. 23rd, at 9.00 AM Rovinj time (CET) online registration, abstract submission and bursary application systems for the ECM29 are open. Please follow the tab “Participate” to register at the ECM29, submit your abstract or apply for the bursary. The Organizing Committee of the ECM29 is looking forward to meeting you all in Rovinj.
One year to go! ECM29 delegation at the IUCr23 in Montreal
ECM29 was represented at the Twenty-Third Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography in Montreal with Aleksandar Višnjevac (chair of the organizing committee), Marija Luić (co-chair of the programme committee), Marijana Đaković (secretary of the organizing committee) and Jasminka Popović (treasurer of the organizing committee). The ECM29 booth was equipped thanks to the generous support of the Croatian Tourist Board, Tourist Board of the City of Rovinj, Maistra Inc. Rovinj, Lagermax Croatia Ltd as well as the International Union of Crystallography. The penultimate progress report was delivered before the Council of the European Crystallographic Association.
From the last Progress report at the Executive Committee winter meeting in February 2014 in Rovinj, organization of ECM29 progressed smoothly. The bursary committee was appointed, as well as the poster prize coordinator (Biserka Prugovečki).
The accommodation contingent for the participants, as well as the corresponding prices, terms and conditions are agreed. The agreement is a basis for the contract between the ECM29 PCO and Maistra Inc. By this agreement ECM29 has guaranteed accommodation in 348 accommodation units (hotel rooms, studio apartments and apartments of different categories) for ca. 650 ECM29 participants.
As an effort to streamline the process of abstract submission and review of abstracts and the preparation of the ECM29 programme we have made the decision to implement our own solution, specifically suited for the European Crystallographic Meetings’ work-flow. Zoran Štefanić, the web editor and developer is in charge of this task. The programming of the web-based application (working title is “AbstractsECM“) is well under way. It can be tested on the ECM29 website. Any feedback is highly appreciated. The online registration system developed by Lemax Ltd. and sponsored by the ECM29 PCO – Globtour Event Ltd. was incorporated and put online after series of improvements made on the basis of the testing by members of Croatian Association of Crystallographers and their feedback to the developers, in order the system to meet specific demands of the ECM29. This registration system is now online and operational as a test version. Everybody is welcome to test the system and share the feedback on its functionality with the developers. All data which will arrive to the database as a result of ongoing testing will be erased on Nov. 22nd, 2014. At 23.59. The call for papers and online registration will be opened on Nov. 23rd, 2014, as already announced at the website of the ECM29.
Since the begining of the year until July 10th, the Programme Comittee (PC) has collected (from the SIGs and GIGs) 42 proposals for the KN lecturers and 79 proposals for the microsimposia topics. In order to create a final list with acceptable 16 keynote lecturers and maximum 48 microsimposia, FA coordinators and SIG representatives are puting together similar MS proposals trying to cover as many as possible highly interesting proposed scientific topics. Fine tuning of the KN lectures and MS has been discussed at the official Programme Committee meeting, held on August 6th, 2014 in Montreal. Final programme will be available online by the mid-November 2014, just before the call for registration.
Terms, conditions, prices and cancellation and refund policy for a plethora of sponsorship opportunities as well as for the commerical exhibition have been established by the Organizing committee of the ECM29, and published online. In close collaboration with the official PCO of the ECM29 (Globtour Event Ltd. Zagreb), the Sponsorship & Exhibition Booklet was finalized and put online. According to the ECA rules and to the good practice, the approval of the booklet from Anthony Savill, representative of the exhibitors at the ECMs, as well as from the ECA Executive committee was obtained. The short version of the booklet, with the essential information on sponsorship opportunities and prices, called Partner & Exhibition Prospectus was also finalized, printed (100 copies) and distributed at the booth of the ECM29.
Winter meeting of the ECA Executive Committee in Rovinj
This year, the winter meeting of the ECA executive committee will be held in Rovinj – host town of the ECM29, from Feb. 21st to Feb. 23rd, 2014. The meeting will take place in Hotel “Lone”, and begins with a working dinner on Friday, Feb. 21st, at 8 PM in the restaurant ON of the LONE hotel. Saturday is reserved for the meetings, which are planned during the day, starting with 8.30 AM. An inspection visit to the AECC (Adris Exhibition and Convention Centre) is planned for Sunday morning, from 10 – 12 AM.